May 30, 2014

A love letter to the South.

All of the very best days start with a long, slow walk under tall, windy, spindly, angry oak trees...

May 28, 2014


Have you ever found something so amusing that you laughed until you cried, only to receive blank stares when you tried to recount it for someone else?

May 22, 2014


(or, "What I've Been Eating")

October will always be my favorite month - gosh, what isn't perfect about October? - but I've got a soft spot for May. The world seems to wake up again in April, but so hesitantly. No one really trusts April, do they? But by May, we've all agreed to let our guard down and welcome summer with open arms, humidity-wavy hair, and juicy toenails.

Raspberry toes

May 20, 2014


I was so happy to be home to celebrate Mother's Day with the ladies of the family: Mom, Nana, and my brother's girlfriend, Jess. Last year I had to Skype in from Dubai (boohoo, I know), and so it was sweet to be able to give her a hug this year.

May 15, 2014

The farm.

Weekends away make for the most hectic weeks, don't they? I just found a container of feta in my bag and a pair of running shorts in my dish drying rack. I have no idea how either got there...

Role model