May 22, 2014


(or, "What I've Been Eating")

October will always be my favorite month - gosh, what isn't perfect about October? - but I've got a soft spot for May. The world seems to wake up again in April, but so hesitantly. No one really trusts April, do they? But by May, we've all agreed to let our guard down and welcome summer with open arms, humidity-wavy hair, and juicy toenails.

Raspberry toes

The ladies, at least.

Summer comes a bit earlier in the South, which is just fine in my book. I'm getting ready to jump in a car and head west with three of my lady friends for a long girls' weekend (details to come), but here's a filtered glimpse of what it has looked like so far.

But first, Coldplay teamed up with Avicii to make a real humdinger:

Now for that glimpse:

Mornings in the swing on Dancing Goats Coffee Shop's front porch

Little friends joining me

The view from my car each morning

The view on the walk to my car each morning

The view on the walk to the end of my walk to my car each morning
Night-time reading: Chandler's "Explicit Gospel" 
Late night date night ice cream trips

Late night babysitting night ice cream trips

Park play dates

Sushi dates
Braves dates

Hiking at Stone Mountain

Petite city skylines

Back to basics 
Backyard shenanigans

High in the sky

Tralala - playing again
Dinner. Sometimes.

Eggs + kale

Eggs + asparagus

All kinds of pretty in a bowl

Taste of Highland - Donut bacon cheeseburger + sweet potato chips

Jalepeno everything

Homemade 'za


Gorgeous purple and green [healthy] breakfasts

Looking back, this probably should have been titled "What I've Been Eating."