I really should be in bed right now, or at least on my way (do I mention this in every post?) but I won't be able to sleep. I know I won't. I went school supply shopping tonight, and even though I only walked out with body wash (props to Lauren D) and lotion (I'm so dry I've turned into a human etch-a-sketch), I got kinda giddy in the notebook aisle. School, oh it is upon us!
Today was just a great, great day. Nothing fantastic happened. It was actually a little more on the chaotic side. But I got to see over a hundred international students, heard some great stories, and got absolute reaffirmation that I'm doing what I need to be doing. I adore my coworkers more than I can express, I laugh until I cry every day, and when it's 5:00, I want to spend more time with them. Tonight, I did just that.
Aside from the getting-up-in-the-morning part of it all, I really look forward to going to work. There's not a lot more you can ask for.
Also got some pictures back from my Chicago trip in May. These girls are so important to me.

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