Back from a long weekend in LA visiting this girl. Yes, she's gorgeous. And yes, she's fun. And yes, I feel lucky to be friends with her. Ashley is currently living the glamorous life out west, and I got to pretend to be a part of it all for a few days. I didn't see any celebrities, but I did get to bask in the SOCal sunshine and forget about everything on my growing to-do list for a few days.
I was blessed to spend Easter dinner with a generous family in Orange County, I visited an old high school friend and his new life, ate good food, and drove up and down PCH 1.

My ideal trip includes a passport and a foreign language, but this little jaunt was an excellent reminder that there are plenty of places to explore here at home. Useful, with a grad school budget and student loans right around the corner. Thanks for the good time, Cali. I'll be back.
Friday, 6:30 pm: Virgin, your landings may scare the tar out of me, but you put on a good show.

The stars and stripes above the snow-covered mountains. Does it get much more patriotic?
Saturday, 9:00 am: Wake up and head out for a run around Beverly Hills. Spandex on Rodeo Drive - how bold am I?
Saturday, 12:00 pm: Visit the beach at Santa Monica. Take a short nap in the grass and may or may not have been pick pocketed - woke up and only found $2, but I doubt I started the day with much more.
Saturday, 1:30 pm: Tacos for lunch from a small stand in Santa Monica. Thankful the anticipated indigestion never comes.
Saturday, 6:30 pm: Dinner and drinks during sunset at a beachside bar in La Jolla with a high school friend and his fabulous girlfriend who I get to meet. They are living the dream, and I hate saying good-bye.
Saturday, 11:00 pm: Our boys @thetylervaughn and @rjwoww take the stage with DJ Adjust at the OC's classiest club. Whispering "Adjust" at the door ensures we get VIP status, and the elephant makes its debut.
Sunday, 1:30 am: I debut my alter-ego, DJ Absurd. I'm famous for playing songs that I think are new but are really a few years old. Ooops. (In your head, please switch from LMFAO to Lil Wayne's "Right Above It.") Also, a big thank you to the pride of the Carolina Panthers, #53, who lent me his bed for the evening. We didn't meet then and probably never will, but your Tempurpedic and I enjoyed our evening together.
Sunday, 9:00 am: Join thousands for an Easter service in Orange County. Francis Chan's enthusiasm about the Gospel is infectious, and I can't thank the Holiday family enough for taking me in for Easter dinner. Fret you not, Mrs. Holiday, I will be back.
Monday, 9:30 am: Hike up the famous Runyon Canyon. Nearly die. Vow to exercise more. Make it to the top. In a moment of clarity, vow to maintain current exercise schedule, but stay away from mountains.
Monday, 11:00 am: Visit a few of my favorite stars. Caught a few snapshots of the greats.

And the greatest, Nic Cage.
Monday, 11:30 am: More Beverly Hills, brunch and a cupcake before heading home.
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