Finals begin this week and I'm somewhere between caring just a little and giving up. In recent weeks I have discovered an inverse relationship between the amount of studying I do and the resulting grade. Case in point: I got a 98% on my most recent management test, the highest grade I've received in that class, and I put in fewer hours preparing than ever before. As you can see, any attempt to further study at this point is...well, pointless.
I've found myself focusing on more important things, like Christmas break. I tried to remember

if I was as ready to go home last year as I am this year, and I realized that last year I spent the week and a half leading up to Christmas lingering in a state of exhaustion in frigid, Irish hostel beds (with Carrie to keep me warm) and various countries' airports. I very distinctly recall being ready to come home, probably more so than I am now, but it was different kind of ready, one mixed with hints of desperation: the two days before the 25th I was worrying about just making it back in the country by Christmas Day.
After missing my flight from Heathrow to Chicago) due to weather-related issues that held up my Dublin to Heathrow), I was lucky enough to catch a stand-by flight to D.C.. I think my dad contemplated driving out to pick me up. I got into D.C. late and missed my connecting flight to Chicago, so I pulled an all-nighter in the airport (with the help of my German friends and about four Starbucks grande-sized, sugary concoctions), washed and dried my hair in the bathroom (the only reason I can see fit to justify those terrible air hand dryers environmentalist-types seem to like), and caught the 7 am to Chicago on the 24th.
'Twas a lovely experience, but I have no desire to do it again.
i'm jeleous of your bed, your tea, your playlist, and your travel experiences :-)
yay finals - you're almost finished!!!!
can't spell jealous
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