October 27, 2008

Fabulous Fall

It's been far too long since I've posted, so, in prime fashion, I am going to give you an update on this things that are currently making me happy while, at the same time, procrastinate doing that necessary evil called "homework." 

*I have my computer up and running again! My power cord snapped in two, so I was out of commission while waiting on a replacement. 
*I'm going to Texas! That's right...I've been saying I was going to do it for ages, and I finally bought the ticket. I'm heading down to Dallas soon after Christmas for a joint- visit with Sarah (my Kanakuk co-counselor who I haven't seen in so long it hurts) and the Hubbert sisters (one of the main reasons I miss London). So excited!

*Heading home this weekend to see the family and relax. I love Bloomington, but sometimes you just need to get away. 

*I've decided to read the Gospels, and Luke is blowing my mind. I have about 20 questions for every chapter, and a special thanks goes out to Nicole, who has been patient and answers my silly questions.

*Greek's Pizza. If you leave Bloomington without trying it, be shamed.

Be sure to stay tuned for a special election post! It's taking some time, but I think it'll be fairly interesting. Now go jump in some leaves:)


Megan said...

*Greeks Pizza. If you leave Bloomington without trying it, be shamed.

I concur with this statement 100%. The weekend that I was in Indiana (that we didn't get to see each other) my family went out to Greek's in Muncie (they have one one BSU's campus too) and it was absolutely delicious!!!!

no said...

well, *geesh* i got a special thanks! you're welcome :-) i love the questions and love answering them (especially when i don't know the answer and have to research). can't wait for the special election post!

Kyla said...

meg, i had greeks the other night and thought of you:)