October 1, 2008

A Bicycle Built for...One

Never mind that it was cold outside today. Never mind that I have a paper due tomorrow. Never mind that the Cubs blew it tonight.

I got a new bike!

That's right, my parents got me the hook-up. It's a sweet, gray (men's) Tourney with a canvas pouch on the front, and it's awesome. I took it for a spin tonight and it really performed. Allow me to elaborate...

What started out as a short trip to Circle K to get some candy turned into a long trip around campus. Lauren decided that she needed some chocolate, and so she gathered her spare change and we bundled up to make the trek. I quickly realized, however, that it would be an ideal chance to try out my new bike. Lauren doesn't have one, so we figured we'd just ride double.

I got the bike outside and did a few laps around the parking lot just to make sure I hadn't lost my "touch." They say that once you learn you never forget, and I guess that's true, because in no time I was doing tricks, popping some major wheelies, and just being an all-around stud.

We decided, after a few failed attempts at letting Lauren steer, that I would ride in front. Lauren would sit on the seat behind me. This worked...for about twenty feet. Lauren started screaming. I pulled out the ol' tough love and kept going. Until she put her feet down and stopped the bike. I assured her that I used to do this all the time with my friend Brooke, and that she really was in the best hands. 

After crossing a few major roads, getting a few honks, and a few rough stops, we finally made it to Circle K. Once we got into the store we decided to get Pumpkin Cappuccinos. There really is nothing better than cheap gas station beverages. Then, we realized there was enough change for a doughnut. And then, after that, there was enough change for ANOTHER doughnut! Lauren really spoils me. 

We decided not to try to ride with our goods, so we walked over to a cement wall. The drinks were too hot to swallow, so Lauren showed me how to pour bits at a time into the lid, blow on it, and drink it from there. It worked very well, despite the strange looks we got. Then a man came up to us and asked if there was a movie theater around. He was going to see "Nights in Rodanthe" and was trying to walk. We explained that the closest theater was at least a few miles away, pointed him in the right direction, and took off for a ride about campus. 

Unfortunately, between the very, very hard seat and the bellies full of cappuccino, we had to take a number of walking breaks. Hills were a problem, as well. We finally made it back and are currently looking for a banana seat or pegs online. 


no said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! you kill me!!

Cassie said...

I'm just laughing and laughing at this post. I feel like I would just love Lauren. Is that creepy for me to say??