So when I found out about the Naked Bike Ride set for last Saturday, as much as I wanted to go, I couldn't bring myself to ask a roommate to accompany me. No one wants to be anointed the creepy roommate, and this would definitely put me into that category. I'm straddling the fence though, after looking up from my book on the tube the other night and randomly commenting on my roommate's great cheekbones. Whatever, she has fantastic bone structure.
My point is, it doesn't fly when you say, "Who wants to go watch a bike race with naked people with me?" when you're sitting around the dinner table. I didn't want to go watch the ride for any creepy reasons. I don't think I wanted to see anyone naked, I just wanted to see how many and what kind of people would take part in such an event. And I think, deep down, you'd feel the same as I did if given the chance to behold such a spectacle. Giddy.
Well, I was lucky. While sitting at a pub Saturday afternoon (after the assault incident, there is some redemption) I heard a rambunctious noise outside. I ran out to see what was going on and was pleasantly surprised. There, right in front of me, was the phenomenon that is the Naked Bike Ride. Twenty minutes of naked riding going by, to be exact. It was full of people of every shape and size. There were women who looked like they'd teach your Sunday School class. There were men who'd wear a suit and sit next to you on the tube. People of all age, race and economic demographics joined together to ride the streets in the buff, working to spread their messages of protest against oil dependency and car culture. It was everything I'd hoped it would be, and possibly much more.
Imagine if people used this method to protest everything.
"No need for a union strike, let's just ride through the city streets naked!"
"Fantastic idea! That will really raise awareness for our desire for wage raises and better working conditions!"
I have some great pictures, but my parents might look at this and I don't want them to make me come home.
There are plenty of places in this world where I am sure many of the locals would be quite attractive in the nude...however, the pasty flesh found on our fair British cousins in London is not one of them.
I probably will have nightmares of the Stay-Puff Marshmellow man chasing me while on a bike tonight.
"I don't think I wanted to see anyone naked". Ya right Kyla that is the only reason!
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